Smoke vs Smoke X2

(See a comparison chart to determine which alarm thermometer is right for you.)   People often ask us how  Smoke and Smoke X2 compare. They want to know how they are different and how they are the same, because they want to purchase the thermometer that is best for them. […]

Signals vs Smoke X4

(See a comparison chart to determine which alarm thermometer is right for you.)   People often ask us how Signals and Smoke X4 compare. They want to know how they are different and how they are the same, because they want to purchase the thermometer that is best for them. […]

About Transmission Distance Specifications

Author: Randy Owen, President & CEO of ThermoWorks Transmission distance specifications are a complicated thing. Actual real-life experience with transmitted temperature readings depends on many factors. Normally, the specified “line of sight” transmission range is the “best case” range assuming no physical barriers between the transmitter and the receiver and […]

ThermaQ App

Top Notice: The ThermaQ app is no longer supported and has been replaced by the ThermoWorks app.  The icon has a yellow background. This help file contains instructions for the topics below. Before You Start Installing ThermaQ App Important to Know Adding Your Device Setting Up Your ThermaQ WiFi (iOS) […]

Billows Set Up: Signals

This setup video that demonstrates how to setup and use Billows with Signals. To use a Billows fan with Signals, follow the steps below: Connecting Billows to Signals Plug the 12-volt AC adapter included with your Signals into a power outlet and connect the power cable into Signals. In the […]

Product Operating Instructions and Documentation

To locate a particular item’s Operating Instructions and other documentation, view the More Info tab on its sales page at Example To see the Thermapen ONE’s Operating Instructions and documentation, browse to the Thermapen ONE’s sales page.  When you click on the More Info tab, you will see all […]